22 October 2012

New blog site!!!

I have finally moved to my own individual blog site! Please go check it out and leave comments!!! :D www.nohasblog.com

You can also follow me on the following:

Lol, I know there is ALOT of places! Check them out and stay updated for my upcoming store...maybe even a giveaway! (;

05 October 2012

Old but not old

September favorites!

So I've put together a few items that I've been completely obsessed with this September, though I should share it with everyone else as well. Tell me what you think! :D

In order of my most loved and obsessed items:
1) Maybeline mascara, gold mark watch, Thomas sabo style bracelets.
2) iPad; it's been keeping me up to day with blogging and all sorts of important things!
3) Rounded glasses. Amazing fashion item and protection from the sun!
4) Phone case wallet. Very handy, and small!

'Til next time kids,
Noha S (:

New watch

Basically I finally got a new gold watch! A watch that is going to be used well and put to justice! Inshaallah! 😊